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About Snuffle Dog Beer

Was it a coincidence that the idea for Snuffle popped up while zipping a well-deserved beer after a hunting exercise in the Swiss Alps? Of course not. It's during those special Moments of Bonding that you feel so close to your Best Friend that you can smell him. Even if you rather wouldn't.. 'So if I can enjoy a beer or 3, Canto my faithful Weimaraner should also. Right?' That's what Arjan Berendsen thought. So after lot of testing & tasting, he invented the first dog beer. That was in 2009.

4 years later, we hopped in for a Snuffle in a public beachbar on the beach of Oostkapelle, The Netherlands.. Our dogs dragged along us. We we're so surprised how much our pals liked Snuffle, so we and Arjan decided to join forces and their passion for dogs.
Ever since that hot summer day on the beach, they're doing everything humanly and dogly possible to bring Snuffle to every dog in the world: new flavors, new packaging, new markets, new ideas. Their mission: give every dog the chance to taste and enjoy the reward he deserves for dogs that's Best Friend, Snuffle Dog Beer. Now already more than 1 million dogs and counting.
And Snuffle even wants to help dogs that can't enjoy dog beer. That is why a percentage of the Snuffle profits goes to dog asylums, projects for the sterilization of stray dogs etc. So Snuffle is there for man's best friend, all of them.
Alright, it's time for a Snuffle, isn't it? Cheers!
Or as they say doggy-style: Wouf!!
What's Snuffle Dog Beer?
Snuffle is the first dog beer. Well, let us rephrase that because Snuffle is a 'beer' in the emotional sense of the word. Technically Snuffle isn't a real beer of course. It contains no alcohol what so ever and it is non-sparkling. (Who needs a drunk, burping dog?)
But emotionally it is most certainly is a beer. We, men, drink beer with our buddies, our pals to share moments, special moments, the Best Moments. To laugh, discuss and sometimes cry together. And preferred way of doing that is.. right, around a beer.

Now you can do all that with that other best friend of yours: your dog. Snuffle is made with beef or chicken and malt barley extracts, mineral oils, vitamin B and other doggy goodies for a taste that will have dogs' taste buds twitching. Just like your pint does for you. And because only the best is good enough for our best friends, Snuffle has been brewed with ingredients that are also used in products for human consumption.
Why Snuffle Dog Beer?
Dogs are smarter than us. For one: they only drink when they're thirsty. If we did that they're wouldn't be any bars left. But sometimes they're too smart for their own good and they might get de-hydrated with all that cat chasing and stick returning.
So you not only give your best friend the reward he deserves, Snuffle is also good for him. Lots of liquids get his kidneys pumping and unless your pal is crazy about bananas and lentils, Snuffle is the best thinkable Vitamin B alternative around.
About Snuffle Dog Fries
The Happy Animal Planet proudly presents Snuffle Dog Fries.
After the worldwide success of Snuffle Dog Beer, we’ve been getting more requests for tasty dog treats. Of course, we didn’t feel like creating yet another dog sausage or bone. But we did feel like making some dog fries – you’re reading this right!
Snuffle Dog Fries consists exclusively of potatoes and cornmeal, and are not fried. No colouring, aroma, flavouring or conservatives have been added.
A special device bakes the product using hot air. Thanks to its packaging, Snuffle Dog Fries can be kept for a long time.
After having been open for about four days, the fries can get less crunchy, but that’s it. They are not going off.

Snuffle Dog Fries contain only 0.8% fat, which is significantly lower than most dog snacks.
By choosing the right type of potato, Snuffle Dog Fries are a tasty treat for dogs. Potatoes are currently used in many types of food as a healthy alternative to grains.
Open up and serve, it couldn’t be easier because Snuffle Dog Fries are ready to eat.
Dietary advice with the daily amount your dog can eat is indicated on the packaging.
Enjoy watching your dog eat their Snuffle Dog Fries. The crunching sound of the crispy fries they munch on is a real fun and entertaining factor.
News & Downloads
- Product Data Sheet
Visit us for a beer at EURODOGSHOW,
hall 6 at booth 620. (Next to “Best In Show Ring”)
Cheers!'Snuffle Dog Beer' on belgian national television: 'Dagelijkse Kost Weekend' on SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER at 18hrs30.
Dogs around the world are falling for the new Belgian Snuffle Dog Beer.
According to the Antwerp brewer 75% of dogs are fans. Our own test with three dogs seems to confirm this. Especially big dogs seem to like a beer or ... three.
Belgian company The Happy Animal Planet developed Snuffle Dog Beer a couple of months ago, "because it would be nice to have a beer with your best friend in the pub". We agreed, good idea. So yesterday afternoon we went to Café Industria in Asse, to do the test. Together with Miniature Pinscher Christoffel (8 months), Beagle Billie (5) and Vizsla Maximiliaan (1) we took place at the bar. "Landlord! A beer for the dogs and give their bosses something too!" The man looked at us in a funny way, but then with a smile poured us two real beers and three 'Snuffles', that we had brought ourselves.
Our conclusion: two out of three dogs seem to really like 'Snuffle'. Drinking at the bar is a bit difficult though. Owners better take a seat at a table, where a dog can more easily enjoy his alcohol free beer from a bowl.
For one bottle of 'Snuffle Dog Beer', expect to pay around 2.40 euros. "The beer doesn't replace a meal", the makers warns us.
Belgian dog beer conquers
the world.Besides Stella and Westvleteren, another Belgian beer is conquering the world: Snuffle Dog Beer. It is a genuine beer for dogs, invented by The Happy Animal Planet from Antwerp in Belgium. “It’s still early days, but the success has been unexpected”, says Stefaan Dielens. “In our country you can find it in about 30 shops. But momentum is growing especially abroad. In Germany, Hong Kong and South Korea, Snuffle is selling well. Also in England dogs and their bosses are growing fond of it. You tend to find Snuffle in pet shops for around 2.40 euros, but the British are even selling it in pubs!” To be clear: the beer does not contain alcohol. “But it does get made in a real brewery. Instead of alcohol, we add beef and chicken extracts.” According to Dielens it is very much a spontaneous treat for dogs. “It is not replacing dog food. It is just nice to be able to share a beer with your best friend.”
The Happy Animal Planet bvba
Augustijnenlaan 27
2200 Herentals, Antwerp, Belgium
Tel 014/61 66 66
Fax 014/61 66 11
VAT number BE 0536.835.711
Does it contain alcohol?
Does it contain gasses?
Which versions?
The basic version mixed (extracts of chicken and beef).
The chicken version (extract of chicken).
Unopened keeps for 12 months at room temperature, Opened keeps for 48 hrs in the refrigerator.
How to serve?
Best at room temperature. Open the bottle and pour a little in a drinking bowl, then shake the bottle to let the extracts come to their full texture (best with one finger on the bottle opening ? ) and pour in a smooth motion, so you get a froth collar like a real pint. Serve only in a clean, for the dog recognizable drinking bowl it may be that the dog does not immediately want to drink, this is logical, for the dog is the habit. Normally water, now a healthy and tasty pint of beer.
How many times a week can the dog have a small beer?
Each day a tasty and healthy dog's beer is ideal.
Are there side effects?
Not known. Best to serve at room temperature, cold drinks, for example cold water, is never good for the dog.
Can I serve it when the dog is ill?
Certainly, your dog will however not get cured, it is a healthy treat.
When to serve:
Each time your dog has deserved something, as its treat.
Can my dog drink a whole bottle?A medium size dog (type Labrador) empties a bottle in one go. A large dog (type) Great Dane drinks about 2 bottles in one go. A small dog (type) Maltese drinks a half to a full bottle.
How do I recognize the different kinds?
The Mixed version has red label.
The chicken version has a yellow label.
Best before date?
Best before date is printed on the right side of the label.
For additional information:
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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